
Silwan, The Ancient Yemenite Village? | Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is part of an organization called Ateret Cohanim, which, among other things, works to reestablish Jewish families in areas where they were dispersed from years ago. One of these places is Silwan, a mostly Arab town that sits just below the City of David in Jerusalem, whose biblical name is Shiloach. Travel with us to the ancient city of Shiloach, where Yemenite Jews lived until the late 1800s. Rediscover an ancient synagogue, meet the brave children at the "country club", discover history that dates back more than 100 years, and finish with living history on a rooftop overlooking the City of David, the Old City, and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. To find out more information about Ateret Cohanim visit, http://www.jerusalemchai.org/ http://www.hayovel.com

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Млад човек,който обича да общува с другите хора,обича истинското приятелство.Най-добрият ми приятел се казва Исус Христос и Той е причината за всичко добро в моят живот.Той ми помага всеки ден да бъда близо до Него,и да помагам на тези,които Той обича. Обичам да се грижа за деца,и харесвам да съм от полза на приятелите ми около мен.

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